Picture of Sven Bittenbinder

Sven Bittenbinder

Sven Bittenbinder is a PhD student at the Information Systems department, especially IT for the Ageing Society at the University of Siegen. He is working in the area of accessible software and how to sensitize and support the general public to include vulnerable groups in everyday life and in the use of new technologies.

More information about IT for the Ageing Society or Sven Bittenbinder

Jana-Sophie Effert

Jana-Sophie Effert is a research assistant and doctoral student at the Department of Work, Inclusion and Technology at the Technical University of Dortmund. With a background in psychology and a focus on human factors, she is currently working primarily on the human-centered design of inclusive work systems. The focus is on the involvement of people with disabilities in the development process of work software.

Picture of Claudia Müller

Claudia Müller

Claudia Müller is a Professor (Subst.) of Socio-Informatics, specialising in “IT for the ageing society” at the University of Siegen, Germany. Her expertise is Participatory Design with and for older adults, vulnerable user groups and local communities. She is representative chairwoman of the commission of the Eighth Federal Government Report on Older People.

More information about IT for the Ageing Society or Claudia Müller

Thorsten Schwarz

Thorsten Schwarz is head of the Accessibility Lab and the literature supply for students with visual impairments at the Center for Digital Accessibility and Assistive Technologies at KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology). His focus is on digital accessibility, inclusive digitization, accessible document optimization (with and without AI solutions) and haptic output of information. He is committed to ensuring that selfdetermined and barrier-free access to information of all kinds and adaptable and inclusive digitization become the norm. He has been teaching these topics at KIT since 2012.

Gottfried Zimmermann

Gottfried Zimmermann is a professor at the Stuttgart Media University and technical director of the Competence Center for Digital Accessibility. His topics in research, teaching and standardization are accessible design and inclusive UX in IT applications, including web, mobile apps, documents and immersive environments.

Nadia David

Nadia David is a member of the WERTE.IT project at Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired Hamburg e.V. with a focus on “Creating an inclusive corporate culture”. She has worked as a freelance lecturer for IT application programs and customer-oriented communication for various clients and provides IT and communication training for internationally active medium-sized and large companies. Since 2019, Nadia David has also been responsible for the iDESkmu project as a training officer and for press and public relations.

Frauke Mörike

Frauke Mörike is head of the Department of Work, Inclusion and Technology at the Technical University of Dortmund. As an ethnologist and business information scientist with many years of practical experience in multinational companies, her research interests include the design of inclusive socio-technical work systems, new forms of collaboration for inclusive work environments and methods for participatory and human-centered technology design.